You, the petitioner

Geef onze favoriete bartenders terug

4 signatures

Vermaat has chosen to not extend any contracts at this point due to the COVID-19 situation. Vermaat takes care of the catering all around the country and are choosing to make their employees take the fall for this extraordinary situation - taking away our favorite bartenders.



Everybody who enjoys grabbing a drink or bite in one of the establishments run by Vermaat.


establish that:

When going out for a drink or bite, the service makes the difference. Loyal customers are created by the faces and personalities of the people who welcome you every time.


and request

Please find another way to survive this pandemic than letting your people go.

Sign this petition

We e-mail you a link to confirm your signature. Your data will not be shared with third parties and remains with the Stichting Your name and place of residence will only appear if you choose this. Read more about this in our privacy statement.


Addressed to:
Petition desk:
Lead petitioner:
Melina Chatah 

